
Tips on Properly “Training” Your Rotary Kiln Support-Roller

One of the most important aspects of rotary kiln maintenance is ensuring your kiln is perfectly balanced and rolling as smoothly as possible.  Ideally, ring-to-roller wear should be kept to a minimum, while keeping the load-balanced between the thrust rollers.  This is done by making slight adjustments to the angle of the kiln support-roller shafts, a process known as “training” the kiln.

Training a kiln is tricky and takes practice, or else it can be handled by expert kiln maintenance professionals.  Here are some tips to keep in mind!

Four Things to Remember When Training Rotary Kiln Support-Rollers

  • Only make tiny adjustments

Put dial indicators on your bearing housings so that you can precisely record any adjustments made because these adjustments need to be minimal.  Never move them more than 0.020″ (0.50 mm) at a time, or even less, because tiny changes here can potentially result in significant changes to the behavior of your kiln.

  • Training takes time

This will be a slow-and-steady process that could potentially take a couple of days because it can take several hours for the full effects of your change to propagate and become apparent.  Tweak, wait, measure, then tweak again if needed.  Do not get into a hurry, changing too much at once could cause significant problems.

  • Always keep detailed records

You want to have a complete maintenance log of every change you make to the support-rollers, no matter how minor.  This will help you narrow down the best operating parameters for your kiln and can also be useful for troubleshooting should you ever need to call in kiln repair specialists.

  • Use the ‘goalpost’ technique to remember the direction of changes

Face the running side of the rotary kiln, directly in front of a carrying roller.  Then hold your hand’s palm down, index fingers out, thumbs pointing inwards – like a goalpost.  Your index fingers should be pointing slightly outwards at the bearing roller, while your thumb points inwards.  This indicates how changes will affect the mechanism.  Moving the kiln support roller outwards will cause the kiln to shift slightly inwards, and vice-versa.

Consequences of Inadequate Kiln Training

Kiln Misalignment from Poor Training

Inadequate training often leads to kiln misalignment, causing uneven stress and wear. This misalignment affects product quality and increases the likelihood of equipment failure.

Increased Maintenance Costs

Lack of proper training results in higher maintenance costs. Kilns that do not receive the regular attention in this area may create early signs of wear, leading to major repairs and costly downtime.

Importance of Training for Kiln Support Rollers

Proper operation and maintenance of support rollers are crucial. Training ensures correct installation and upkeep, preventing misalignment and extending the kiln’s lifespan.

Critical Role of Alignment in Performance

Alignment is essential for kiln support roller effectiveness. It ensures smooth kiln operation and consistent product quality. Regular alignment checks by trained staff are necessary for optimal performance.

Kiln Technology Company Company Has the Expert Support You Need

We are one of the nation’s leaders in kiln sales, maintenance, repairs, and spare parts.  If your business relies on a kiln, you can rely on us to keep it turning!  Contact us and let us know how we can help.
